Sohrab Nezami

Sohrab Nezami

Sohrab Nezami
BSc, MSc, PEng
Senior Structural Engineer


Combining a background in team leading with a strong technical knowledgebase, in the past 15 years Sohrab has gained extensive experience in civil/structural design of heavy industrial structures including steel making, direct reduction iron, Copper refinery, concentrator plants, reject crushing, gas gathering, NGL plants, and graphite electrodes. Sohrab also has a solid background in design of multi-storey residential and commercial building as well as post-tension concrete structures.

Key Skills

  • Team leading and project coordination
  • Design of retaining walls and deep shoring systems
  • Preparing construction methodology and structural reports to fulfill the requirements of Sydney water, RMS and Sydney Trains
  • Post tension concrete design
  • Structural/Seismic design of high-rise buildings
  • Non-linear static and dynamic analysis
  • Engineering and design of heavy industrial structures and material handling systems
  • Design of underground tunnels and heavy pile foundations
  • Design of electrical infrastructures
  • Design of temporary structures
  • Conceptual design and value engineering
  • Alternations and additions to existing structures including condition assessment, expert witness report, remedial engineering and rectification

About the Author

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