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Ali Razdar

Ali Razdar
BSc, MSc, PEng
Senior Structural Engineer


A qualified structural engineer with over 25 years of experience in design of residential, commercial, educational and heavy industrial buildings with extensive experience in mining, copper, steel making including production hall structure, furnace and sintering structure, material handling, reservoir tanks, cooling towers and heavy-duty crane runway beams. He also was involved in oil refinery and gas field development projects and has wide experience in design of blast proof structures, pipe racks, liquid tank and heavy equipment foundations.

Ali is an expert in design of any kind of steel structure, reinforced and post-tension concrete slabs, and familiar with the majority of floor and wall systems in Australia.

Key Skills

  • Design of heavy industrial structures
  • Structural/Seismic design of high-rise residential/commercial buildings
  • Comprehensive knowledge of Australian & American Standards
  • Non-linear static and dynamic analysis
  • Design of underground structures and heavy pile foundations
  • Design of electrical infrastructures
  • Post tension concrete design

Behzad Golfa

Behzad Golfa
Senior Structural Engineer


An experienced structural engineer with over 18 years of experience in infrastructure, multi-story residential and industrial buildings. Behzad also has extensive experience in designing highway and rail bridges.

He has undertaken conceptual design through detailed design of numerous bridges in Western Australia, Queensland and International market.

He also has experience in design of oil field structures and installation analysis of subsea equipment.

Behzad has a proven ability to deliver innovative, value-engineered solutions for both new infrastructures and remedial works/Improvements as well as working with multi-disciplinary engineering and construction teams in EPC projects.

Key Skills

  • Engineering and design of residential and commercial buildings
  • Design of precast pre-stressed concrete beam, and box girder highway bridges
  • Design of post tension concrete slab.
  • Experienced in structural remediation and rehabilitation works for concrete structures including highway bridges and commercial buildings.
  • Site inspection and provision of condition report and providing remedial recommendation.
  • Structural integrity assessment.
  • Engineering and analysis of sea transportation, lifting and installation of subsea equipment
  • Design of Crane Mounted Structures
  • Design of pile foundations and heavy retaining walls

Why Adowra?

We are expert in understanding our clients’ needs and finding a safe, sustainable, practical and cost-effective solution to help them to achieve their goals.

How Experienced?

Our team comprises over 100 years of civil/structural project experience across multiple industries

Sohrab Nezami

Sohrab Nezami
BSc, MSc, PEng
Senior Structural Engineer


Combining a background in team leading with a strong technical knowledgebase, in the past 15 years Sohrab has gained extensive experience in civil/structural design of heavy industrial structures including steel making, direct reduction iron, Copper refinery, concentrator plants, reject crushing, gas gathering, NGL plants, and graphite electrodes. Sohrab also has a solid background in design of multi-storey residential and commercial building as well as post-tension concrete structures.

Key Skills

  • Team leading and project coordination
  • Design of retaining walls and deep shoring systems
  • Preparing construction methodology and structural reports to fulfill the requirements of Sydney water, RMS and Sydney Trains
  • Post tension concrete design
  • Structural/Seismic design of high-rise buildings
  • Non-linear static and dynamic analysis
  • Engineering and design of heavy industrial structures and material handling systems
  • Design of underground tunnels and heavy pile foundations
  • Design of electrical infrastructures
  • Design of temporary structures
  • Conceptual design and value engineering
  • Alternations and additions to existing structures including condition assessment, expert witness report, remedial engineering and rectification

Harry Mardanlo

Harry Mardanlo
BSc, MSc, MIEAust
Senior Structural Engineer


Harry has over 15 years experience in design and construction as a Civil/Structural engineer and design coordinator across transport, oil and gas, residential and industrial sectors. He also has experience in structural and earthquake design of high-rise buildings, supported by a sound knowledge of finite element analysis. He is highly experienced in the design of shoring systems and foundation piles in D&C projects.

Key Skills

  • Team leading and design coordination in multidiscipline mega projects
  • Analysis and design of earth retaining systems such as secant and contiguous pile walls, cutter soil mix walls, soldier piles, and tie back anchors
  • Non-linear analysis of pile-soil interaction models
  • Structural/Seismic design of high-rise buildings
  • Engineering and design of heavy industrial structures
  • Finite element analysis
  • Design of heavy equipment and heavy-duty crane supports
  • Design of blast proof structures
  • Construction phase engineering

Dr Peter Ho

Dr Peter Ho
BScEng (1st Hons), PhD, FIEAust, FIStructE, MICE, MHKIE, CPEng, RPEQ, JP(qual)
Principal Consultant


Dr. Peter Ho has over 40 years professional experience as a Director, Manager and Civil/Structural Consultant in Australia and throughout the Asia Pacific region.

He has served as expert witness and his experience covers a wide range of structures in the commercial, industrial, domestic and mining sectors.

Society & Community

  • Engineers Australia Queensland Division President | 2016
  • Engineers Australia Queensland Division Co-Deputy President | 2014-15
  • Institution of Structural Engineers, Chartered Membership Exam Marker | 2011-Present
  • Justice of the Peace (Qualified) | 2012
  • General Referee, Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committee | 2003-2015
  • Institution of Structural Engineers Lewis Kent Service Award | 2013
  • Member of the Order of Australia | Jan 2015
  • Adjunct Professor, Queensland University of Technology & The University of Queensland | 2008-2020
  • CROSS-AUS Ltd (Confidential Report on Structural Safety) Director & Secretary | 2018-Present

Key Skills

  • Civil/Structural design
  • Forensic engineering and causation study
  • Failure investigation
  • Insurance related report
  • Expert Witness

Ali Shayan

Ali Shayan

Director-Principal Engineer


An experienced structural/earthquake engineer and team leader with over 24 years of experience in design and construction of residential, commercial, educational and industrial buildings. In the past 15 years, Ali was the discipline team leader of three mid-size EPCM companies. He is also experienced in training young engineers in order to help them to fill the gap between knowledge and the application of knowledge.

Ali has a wide range of experience including large scale residential and commercial developments as well as industrial complexes, including steel making, direct reduction iron, iron ore, iron ore beneficiation, steel alloy, copper, sugar cane and by products, electrical, water and wastewater infrastructures, and diverse manufacturing factories.

Ali has a sound knowledge of Rio Tinto Iron Ore and BHP Billiton design criteria and specifications.

Key Skills

  • Team leading and capability development
  • Value engineering
  • Structural integrity assessment
  • Structural audit
  • Conceptual and detailed design
  • Structural/Seismic design of mid to high-rise buildings
  • Non-linear static and dynamic analysis
  • Engineering and design of heavy industrial structures
  • Site investigation and field solution

Coming soon…!

Coming soon…!